Is Eliza...A WELSUMMER?!?!?!

Is Eliza...A WELSUMMER?!?!?! January 31, 2021 (Eliza's beautifully speckled Welsummer egg on the kitchen counter!) Is Eliza...A WELSUMMER?!?!?! I sure think so. Ever since Eliza started laying eggs, she's always laid speckled eggs, which only Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans lay. (Eliza can only be part Welsummer, because her egg has to be chocolate brown for her to be part Cuckoo Maran.) Now we suspect she may be a cross breed of Buff Orpinton and Welsummer! In the eastern Netherlands lies a small town called Welsum. In this town, Welsummers were bred from various native chickens about the beginning of the 20th century. Some of the breeds in Welsummers background include Barnevelders, Partridge Leghorns, Cochins, and Wyandottes. Welsummer chickens are a well-known breed in the United Kingdom and Australia, but are still somewhat uncommon in the United States. Nothing accents a beautiful egg basket quite like a dark brown, speckled egg. Few birds lay such pretty speckled eggs, an...