Healthy Treats

Healthy Treats February 28, 2021 (A shot of the hens eating some cheese!) Chickens are true omnivores. They are not vegetarians. When left to their own devices as they have been for generations on family farms, they will seek out a wide variety of weeds, grasses, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables...and yes even "meat" or protein, usually in the form of bugs, slugs, and worms. Woe to the lizard, snake, mouse, toad or even small bird that ventures into a chicken run. (It's lizard season where I live, and Lafayette, our rooster, has been killing and eating every single lizard that crawls into the chicken coop!) I've read that farm chickens have even been known to drink fresh cow or goat milk when the opportunity presents itself! As with humans, a varied, healthy diet will lead to healthy chickens and more nutritious, delicious eggs. While their layer feed should comprise the majority of their diet and always be fed first thing in the morning to ensure the chickens are f...