Fresh Egg Anatomy

Fresh Egg Anatomy May 30, 2021 (Hamilton's fresh egg cracked open into a bowl!) In my last post, I reviewed the basic anatomy of an egg. We all know that an egg is comprised of a shell, and then inside there's the yolk and the white. But an egg is actually oh-so-much-more than that! The anatomy of a fresh egg is pretty fascinating. Do you know that an egg has every nutrient needed to for life except Vitamin C? Do you know that the white takes up about two-thirds of the volume of the contents of the eggshell and the yolk takes up the remaining one-third? And the yolk contains about half of the protein in an egg, the majority of nutrients, but also most of the fat. Do you know what the thin twisted strands are that you sometimes find in an egg? Or why the "white" is sometimes clear and sometimes cloudy? Or how about the blood spot you sometimes find on the yolk? Albumen (Egg White) An egg white contains protein, as well as niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, p...