
Showing posts from September, 2020

Hamilton ~ Silent But Deadly

Hamilton ~ Silent But Deadly September 27, 2020 (Hamilton in front of the coop!) The Rhode Island Red breed is   generally a docile breed. However, it does not make the top 10, because when with other breeds of chicken, the Rhode Island Red tends to be aggressive. Rhode Island Reds are a beautiful lustrous red. Their legs are yellow. The hens lay brown eggs. Roosters are mostly aggressive with territory. We have a Rhode Island Red hen. She is, shall we say, "silent but deadly". Hamilton has always been a quiet hen. She claimed the role of head hen from the day the pullets arrived. Her method has always been the old classic "be seen and not  heard". She challenged every pullet and won every time. But quietly. Ever so quietly. You barely ever hear a peep out of Hamilton!  She is very fierce though. Instead of squawking, she will flap in the other hens' faces. Hamilton can be unkind to the other hens, but she is very docile toward us. And oh, I forgot to mention: S...

Lafayette ~ From Runt To Rooster

  Lafayette ~ From Runt To Rooster September 20, 2020 (Lafayette in front of the coop!) The French Maran breed is a very beautiful breed of chicken. The roosters and hens are colorful alike! The roosters have very glossy feathers with streaks of gold here and there. The hens are also black in color, but they do not have any gold feathers. Hens lay chocolate-colored eggs. French Marans are also known to be very friendly. The hens are very docile, and the roosters are barely ever aggressive. This is no different with our French Maran rooster. Lafayette is the sweetest rooster on earth! (At first, he was the runt. From a previous post, you may have remembered that he eventually turned out to be a roo!) He is a delight to hold, and even my mom, who would never go near a chicken before, (let alone my dad), actually picks up Lafayette now!  Whenever you put him on the ground, he will sit down and wait for you to come back before he stands up again. If you leave him alone in the coop...

My Fabulous Flock

My Fabulous Flock September 13, 2020   (Our pullets in their run!) Chickens, in my opinion, are the best pets to keep! They are as docile and domesticated as dogs, but they  provide breakfast for you every morning, just like a farm animal. Their friendliness and delicious eggs can't be  beat. I remember the day when we first decided to keep chickens after a long "wait period" from our parents.  Finally, they said yes this past summer, and it has been quite the journey since then! It was a hot summer Sunday. After church, we went to pick up our chickens from a friend who was raising  them.  We brought home a boxful of peeping pullets.  A few days before, we had built a coop and run and had  set it up  in our  backyard. As soon as we arrived home, we filled the coop and nesting boxes with shavings, and  then let  our  pullets explore their new home.  We decided to name our chickens after characters from the  ...