Hamilton ~ Silent But Deadly

Hamilton ~ Silent But Deadly September 27, 2020 (Hamilton in front of the coop!) The Rhode Island Red breed is generally a docile breed. However, it does not make the top 10, because when with other breeds of chicken, the Rhode Island Red tends to be aggressive. Rhode Island Reds are a beautiful lustrous red. Their legs are yellow. The hens lay brown eggs. Roosters are mostly aggressive with territory. We have a Rhode Island Red hen. She is, shall we say, "silent but deadly". Hamilton has always been a quiet hen. She claimed the role of head hen from the day the pullets arrived. Her method has always been the old classic "be seen and not heard". She challenged every pullet and won every time. But quietly. Ever so quietly. You barely ever hear a peep out of Hamilton! She is very fierce though. Instead of squawking, she will flap in the other hens' faces. Hamilton can be unkind to the other hens, but she is very docile toward us. And oh, I forgot to mention: S...