Lafayette ~ From Runt To Rooster

 Lafayette ~ From Runt To Rooster

September 20, 2020

(Lafayette in front of the coop!)

The French Maran breed is a very beautiful breed of chicken. The roosters and hens are colorful alike! The roosters have very glossy feathers with streaks of gold here and there. The hens are also black in color, but they do not have any gold feathers. Hens lay chocolate-colored eggs. French Marans are also known to be very friendly. The hens are very docile, and the roosters are barely ever aggressive. This is no different with our French Maran rooster.

Lafayette is the sweetest rooster on earth! (At first, he was the runt. From a previous post, you may have remembered that he eventually turned out to be a roo!) He is a delight to hold, and even my mom, who would never go near a chicken before, (let alone my dad), actually picks up Lafayette now! 

Whenever you put him on the ground, he will sit down and wait for you to come back before he stands up again. If you leave him alone in the coop, he will start crying. (Yes, chickens can cry! They don't have tear ducts, but they can make deep, soulful chirps, giving the impression that they are crying!) If one of the chickens are missing, he will pace around the run, looking for them! One thing I noticed was that Lafayette and Angelica (one of our Buff Orpingtons) are CFFs! (Chicken Friends Forever!) Lafayette also loves to dig. If you put him down in the dirt, he will happily start digging to his heart's content!

Recently, Lafayette has been trying to move up the pecking order. Because he is the smallest, he was the runt, and he got picked on a lot! Finally, as he got more bigger, he challenged Angelica and won. Then he challenged Eliza and won that fight as well. He attempted to charge at Hamilton multiple times, but chickened out before he actually could. (Get it? Chickened out?!) Finally, Lafayette and Hamilton got into a full-on fight. They puffed up their head feathers and charged at each other. In the end, Hamilton won that match. I don't know whether chickens can be depressed, but for that entire day, Lafayette sat in the coop and cried. He wouldn't come out for anything! I think the reason why he was so depressed was that by fighting and losing to Hamilton, his pride was broken. I'm just glad to see him up and running again!

But, of course, in the near future, Lafayette will grow fully, and he will claim his place as rooster. Hamilton won't stand a chance! I'm sure that Lafayette will be a very kind rooster to his ladies. ...Although he may not see it now.


  1. Oh my goodness! What a story!!! That was great! I loved it! 💜 Having a hard time reading the story double spaced though on my phone. So fun, keep writing! I cannot even believe how big and colorful Lafayette is! Wow!!!!

    1. Thank you for your feedback! I tried fixing the spacing. Let me know if it still turns up as double spaced.

    2. It’s ALOT easier to read - yes! I think even going up one size in font would be easier on eye also. I’ll take a look from my laptop, might just need to adjust the HTML code. Wait - are you doing the coding yourself or it’s already built in? I’m so impressed by you!!! What a great job in writing you’ve done so far!

    3. I went up one size in font. I don't code it, but it's not built in either. It's a pixel setting in my menu. Thanks again!

    4. DEFINITELY easier to read from a mobile phone! Looks great!!! Can’t wait for the next story!

  2. What a nice story. We had chickens years ago and they gave us a lot of joy. I'll have to tell you about Little Chick, one of our favorites, some day.💕

  3. What a beautiful bird he is! I had no idea they could be that colorful. His colors remind me of a peacock. I will have to learn more about the French Maran breed. Thanks for sharing!

    1. The reason he is so colorful is because he is a rooster. Roosters typically are much more colorful than the hens. Thanks for commenting!

  4. You are a brilliant writer! Your chickens are so well loved. Roosters are rarely kind and gentle. I am glad to hear that Layfayette is. Question: is Hamilton a rooster too?

    1. Actually, most people don't know this, but generally towards humans, roosters are very gently. When it comes to the ladies, they are more aggressive. Hamilton is not a rooster. At one point, we thought she was, because she had black pointy tail feathers. But she wasn't. You may be wondering why we gave her a boy name: We decided to name all our chickens from the Broadway play Hamilton. And so, we decided to name our Rhode Island Red hen Hamilton. Thank you for your comment!

  5. Hello, Miss Chirpy Chick!

    I had so much fun getting to know your site, reading your wonderful work, and getting to know your brood! You have quite a humorous and intriguing "voice" (the way you write, the perspective you use, and the feelings you achieve in your reader). You make me want to read more of your work and I look forward to future installments!

    I have never been a chicken lover, so it sounds like I need to get to know them better. Your French Maran is a lovely specimen! How fun to watch him find his place in the pecking order! :)

    I look forward to reading more of your terrific writing next week in class. See you Monday!

    1. Hi Abigail,

      This is Mrs. Payne. I entered the comment above. I do not know why the blog did not list my identity, I entered it. Looks like I have some learning to do (about blogging!) since I have always planned to start one, eventually. What do you think my blog should be about?

    2. Thanks for your comment! Maybe your blog should be about your daily life? Or maybe one of your passions? Something along those lines. Let me know how it turns out!


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