Tips For Buying A Chicken Coop
Tips For Buying A Chicken Coop October 31, 2021 (Our chicken coop on a rainy day!) When you're buying a coop, there are several things to take into consideration regarding the location and design- things like coop size, location, elevation, etc. Keep reading for more tips on buying a chicken coop! Size: Conventional rule of thumb is 2-4 square feet of interior coop floor space per hen, dependent on the size of your birds (bantams need less, Jersey Giants need more) and how many waking hours they spend in the coop. My rule of thumb: Build your coop a lot bigger than you think you'll need. Location: If your coop is going to be stationary, versus a movable tractor-type coop, then the location is very important. In the warm southern climates, you'll want to situate it in the shade. If you live in a more northern climate, then locating your coop in the sun will be more beneficial. You should also consider whether your run will be attached to your coop at one end or if your co...