Beginner's Guide To Raising Baby Chicks

Beginner's Guide To Raising Baby Chicks March 27, 2022 So you've decided to start raising chickens! I assume you've checked with your town or municipality and know the rules as far as how many chickens you are allowed, if you need a permit for either the chickens or their coop (or both), if you can have roosters, etc. And now you're ready to get started. Raising baby chicks isn't difficult. They really just need to be kept warm, safe, and well fed and watered. But first you are going to need to find some chicks to buy! Spring is the most common time to start raising chicks because while they need to start off in the house under a heat lamp, by the time they have grown in their feathers and are ready to go outside around 6-8 weeks old, the weather should be warm enough. If you are only looking for hens (or female chickens), then your best best is to order them from a reputable hatchery such as Meyer Hatchery They offer "gendered" chicks (that means you ...