
Showing posts from August, 2022

A Memoir To Angelica

A Memoir To Angelica August 14, 2022 (Angelica's gravesite.) It was so sudden. We don't know how it happened, but dear Buff Orpington Angelica is not with us anymore. She's joined Washington a better place now. On the morning of August 7, 2022, Angelica passed away on floor of the run. We found her later in the afternoon. There was no animal, no symptoms, no sign to tell us she was going to pass. She was so happy here, I wish I knew what killed her. The day before she died, I had one last chance to hold her and talk to her, and I'm so glad I did. I'll never forget that evening, especially because Angelica pooped on my shoes! Angelica was the sweetest hen to ever live. From the day we brought her home, she was the most happiest and had the most personality of the whole flock. She loved taking taking treats from our hands, always running over as soon as she heard us taking out the mealworm jar, and followed us around everywhere. Sometimes she was a bit harsh with he...

Choosing The Right Fencing For Your Coop

Choosing The Right Fencing For Your Coop August 7, 2022 (The hardware cloth fencing of our coop.) Keeping your flock safe from predators is something important to consider if you are new to chicken keeping, or building/buying a new coop, chicken tractor or run. Conversely, keeping your garden veggies safe from marauding chickens, and also bunnies, deer and wild birds is always a struggle.  The choices when it comes to fencing can be a bit confusing, and sadly making the wrong choice can mean the difference between a predator-proof chicken run versus one a raccoon can easily gain access to, or a chicken-proof garden versus a garden that's stripped clean by your flock!  Hopefully this will help clear up any confusion and assist you in choosing the right fencing for not only your chicken coop, but also your chicken run and your garden.  Chicken Wire Chicken wire isn't good for anything except keeping chickens in (or out, as the case may be). A dog, fox or raccoon can rip thr...