Angelica ~ Vet's Pet

                           Angelica ~ Vet's Pet

 October 11, 2020

(Angelica in front of the coop!)

In my last post, I talked about the Buff Orpington breed. Again, they are one of the most friendliest breeds! Also in my last post, was my description of Eliza, and how she is not your typical, sweet Buff Orpington. Well, Angelica is my chicken, and she is a classic Buff Orpington!

Angelica is my chicken. Which means I spoil her a lot. Which also means that she is the biggest chicken in our whole flock. Angelica is an "obese" chicken. If you noticed from the photos, that even though Eliza is a Buff Orpington, Angelica is still slightly fatter! Did I mention I spoil her a lot?

This sweet hen was at the bottom of the pecking order until Washington, our Production Blue hen came along. Now, Angelica is second from the bottom. She does pick on Washington, but personally, I think she does that because she was so tired of being picked on. So, she was relieved someone else was at the bottom of the pecking order and she joined the others in picking on Washington. 

Angelica is a classic Buff Orpington. She is very calm and very patient. She is golden-colored and she is plump. If you put her on the ground, she will stay there. She is the sweetest!

My family calls me "The Vet" because I love taking care of the chickens, and also because I helped to heal Washington, who started bleeding after many a peck. The reason Angelica is called "Vet's Pet" is because I spoil her a lot. Kinda like "Teacher's Pet", right? Except it's "Vet's Pet"!


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