Eliza ~ Our Golden Goose
Eliza ~ Our Golden Goose
October 4, 2020
(Eliza perching on top of the coop!)
The Buff Orpington breed has always been one of the choicest breeds for keeping a flock. This breed of chicken is one of the friendliest breeds you can find out there! Buff Orpingtons love to be held, making them a good choice to keep when you have the younger children around. To put it in simple words, Buff Orpingtons are the "golden retrievers" of the chicken world. Our Buff, Eliza, is one of the biggest Orpington exceptions I've ever seen.
Eliza is third from the top in the pecking order. She is your typical Buff in every way except one: She is the craziest!!! Almost every morning, Eliza will hop out of the nesting box when I open the lid. But she won't stop at that- she will run away. And the farther away she gets, she will honk more louder. Yes, Eliza honks! She doesn't chirp or cluck. It is quite funny to hear her honk, actually. Hint hint: It attributes to her name. Did I ever mention we occasionally hear a dog bark from her?
Sometimes, she gives up trying to run away from us. Instead, she will try to hide in a patch of herbs in our garden. Usually, when she does that, you can see her feathers sticking out of the patch!
I can say without a doubt or second thought that Eliza is the only chicken in our flock that is mean to us. I did my best to tame the others, but Eliza is too far gone. I'm surprised that Hamilton beat her to second in the pecking order!
Then again, you never know- Eliza may soften up to us. The reason we call her our golden goose is partly because she is is a golden Buff Orpington, and partly because she honks like a goose. The only problem with calling her a golden goose? She isn't going to lay golden eggs!
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