Rooster Collars

Rooster Collars

October 25, 2020

(Lafayette's collar on his neck!)

Have you ever wondered if you could mute your rooster's crowing due to rules and regulations? Have you ever come to the peak of frustration after you've had a tough morning of trying to get your rooster to shut up?? Have you ever come to the point of insanity where you want to duct tape your rooster's beak closed??? Well, my friend, I have just the solution for you: a rooster collar.

The main point of the rooster collar is to mute the voice box of your rooster. Let me tell you how the collar works. When it is placed over the voice box, it puts pressure on the voice box, muting your rooster. It's as simple as that! Plus, if you put the collar on him the right way, he will still be able to eat and breathe normally. He just won't be able to cock-a-doodle. 

Now you're probably wondering, "Abigail, can you tell me where I can find one of these rooster collars so I can get my hands on one???". In answer to your question, you can either make a collar, or buy a collar for the retail price of about $10. We made one with Velcro (as you can see in the picture) and we're planning to purchase a commercially-made collar soon. 

The reason why we need a collar is because of our rooster, Lafayette. He started cock-a-doodling a few weeks ago, and we didn't want him to disturb our neighbors. So, I looked up "how to keep a rooster from crowing", and thanks to dear Google, I found out about the rooster collar. We made a Velcro collar, but then Lafayette figured out how to get it off. So, we're going to have to buy a commercially-made collar. Actually, for the first few weeks, we didn't hear a peep from Lafayette. But then when he figured out how to get the collar off, we heard him cock-a-doodling again! It is quite funny when he gets the collar off, though. He will peck at it, stamp on it, kick dirt on it, and then march away!

I would honestly say that you should start your rooster on Velcro collar so that they get used to the feel of it. If your rooster doesn't detest the collar, then stick with the Velcro! If they get into the habit of taking the collar off, then I'd advise to buy an actual collar. But otherwise, putting a rooster collar on your rooster is a pretty ingenious idea if you want your rooster to shut up!!!


  1. I really think the collar you made worked better than the commercial one.


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