What Can Chickens Eat?

What Can Chickens Eat?

November 8, 2020

(Our flock's feeder in the run!)

For those in complete oblivion: Have you ever wondered what stuff you can feed your chickens? Well, today's your day! I'll give you a list of things to give (and not to give) your chickens. The list includes what feed you should give them, what scraps you can give them, what scraps you cannot give them, and what treats you can give them. At the very end, I'll tell you one food you should never ever feed chickens, on penalty of...death to the chicken. Let's get started!

What feed chickens can eat:
  • Starter feed
  • Grower feed
  • Layer feed
  • Mash feed
  • Crumble feed
  • Pellet feed

What scraps chickens can eat:
  • Bread
  • Cooked meats (possibility of hyper chickens)
  • Corn
  • Fruits
  • Grains
  • Oatmeal
  • Peas
  • Vegetables

What scraps chickens cannot eat:
  • Excessive portions of salt
  • Processed foods
  • Raw potato peels
  • Avocado skins and pits (avocado flesh is okay)
  • Soft drinks
  • Coffee or coffee grinds
  • Very greasy foods
  • Raw meat

What treats chickens can eat:
  • Fresh or dried mealworms (the universal favorite of chickens)
  • Fresh or dried crickets
  • Chicken scratch
  • Corn
  • Fruit

In conclusion, there is a large variety of things you can feed your flock. Pretty much any scraps that you have left over can be plopped into the run, where your chickens will happily munch on them. Last but not least, I will tell you the most deadliest food you could ever feed a chicken: chocolate.


  1. That’s interesting, never thought Death by Chocolate could be real ��


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