June 6, 2021
(A collage of the chickens' special day!)
This day one year ago...four tiny beaks pushed their way out into a world of warmth. One beak belonged to a French Copper Maran, two beaks belonged to two Buff Orpingtons, and another belonged to a bantam Rhode Island Red. They took their first breath of air and studied the world around them. And ever since then, they have been living happily ever after...
Sound familiar?...
HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, DEAR FLOCK!!! Happy birthday to Lafayette, happy birthday to Hamilton, happy birthday to Angelica, and happy birthday to Eliza!!!
We spoiled our flock quite a bit on this special day. We baked them a cake, (chicken-style), sang "Happy Birthday" to them, and threw quite the party for our dear chickens! (Although it took them a few minutes to gather up their courage and venture into the cake!)
In case you wanted to try this chicken-birthday-cake-recipe for your own flock's birthday, (I highly suggest it!), here's my version of it-
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup water
- 4 tablespoons peanut butter
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 apple, diced
- 3 strawberries, diced
- Frosting- plain yogurt
- Sprinkles- mealworms
- Decoration- Halved strawberries + herbs
- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Mix together the flour, water, peanut butter, and baking powder until well combined.
- Add apples and strawberries and mix well.
- Grease a baking sheet with butter, and place the cake batter on the sheet. Form the batter into a circular, cake shape with your hands.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
- Transfer the cake to a plate with a spatula. Top the cake with yogurt for frosting, mealworms for sprinkles, and halved strawberries + herbs for decoration.
- I suggest that when you are bringing the birthday cake out to the chickens, you transfer the cake from the plate back to the baking sheet, and give the cake to them just like that. This way, the plate won't get into a possible accident!
I wrote this verse for the chickens' birthday-
"The world was blessed with your beauty on this very special day.
Thank you for being so truly great with the amazing personalities you portray.
Your curiosity cannot be matched as it's unique in every way.
Your hearts cannot be snatched as you give love freely away.
Happy birthday to you from someone who truly appreciates you.
Happy birthday to you for all the good work that you always do."
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