Copycat Free Range Technique
Copycat Free Range Technique
July 4, 2021
(Score! Dandelion greens!)
Studies have shown that the eggs of free ranging chickens contain more nutrition and are lower in cholesterol. Our chickens are just as healthy and happy and our eggs are just as beautiful with vibrant orange yolks as the eggs from any free ranging flock, without the risk of losing any of our chickens to predators.
Grasses, weeds, herbs and flowers not only provide wonderful nutrients and health benefits, they can be fed in unlimited amounts unlike other 'treats', since they are considered 'green' and mimic what a chicken would eat in a free range environment. In addition to their nutritional content, they also can help cut down on your feed bill if your chickens fill up on them instead of eating a diet comprised only of commercial feed.
Depending on the season, different weeds and flowers are plentiful, so you can feed your chickens and ducks a varied, seasonal mix of whatever you can find. Their daily greens can consist of chickweed, dandelion greens, violets and some clover.
Why not take a walk around your property to see what you can find? Woods, fields and pastures as well as backyards all can hold hidden treasures for your flock! Please nothing treated with herbicides, pesticides or fertilizer though! I hope this copycat free range technique helps you and your chickens!
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