Choosing Chicken Breeds

Choosing Chicken Breeds

August 29, 2021

(A pic of our breeds of chickens!)

Choosing chickens breeds for your flock can be pretty tough, seeing as how there are more than 100 breeds out there! We have two Buff Orpingtons, a Rhode Island Red, and a French Copper Maran! Do you want chickens based on your weather climate? Do you want good layers? Friendly hens? Or different colored eggs? Luckily, I can help guide you through the best breeds. Let's get started!

While there is no “right” or “wrong” breed, and all the breeds generally will get along with each other, one of the more important considerations is the climate where you reside. Although most chickens are generally okay in cold climates, there are many breeds that struggle in hot climates. So if you live in an area where it's mostly hot during the year, then choosing heat-tolerant breeds will be important. The Mediterranean/British breeds are good choices if you need heat-tolerant chickens. Breeds such as Leghorns, Penedesencas, Buff Orpingtons, and Andalusians are examples of some of the Mediterranean breeds. They tend to have sleek bodies and large combs which help them stay cool. On the other hand, if you live in a cold climate, then a larger bodied chicken with a smaller comb will do better. Both Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks are great choices.

If egg production is your deciding factor in choosing breeds, then you can’t go wrong with a Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, or Buff Orpington chicken. All breeds are known for their egg laying prowess. While no chicken lays an egg every day, a good layer will lay 5-6 eggs a week during the spring and summer months.

If you have small children, or have visions of a flock of “lap” chickens who love to snuggle and eat out of your hand, then Australorps or Buff Orpingtons are great choices. Both breeds are known for being extremely docile and friendly, as are Cochins, Brahmas, and Blue Productions.

If you want to have a multi-colored egg basket, then here are some choices for you:

  • White eggs- Mediterranean breeds
  • Speckled eggs- Welsummmer breed
  • Brown eggs- British breeds
  • Dark brown eggs- Maran breed
  • Pink eggs- Easter Egger
  • Blue eggs- Easter Egger, Cream Legbar, Ameraucana, & Araucana breeds
  • Green eggs- Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers

Easter Eggers are the most fun of all. They can lay any color egg from blue to green to pink! – and you don’t know what color you’ll get until your hens start laying!

Fancy breeds, include those with feathered feet like Cochins, Marans or Faverolles, those with cheek muffs and “beards” such as Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers, and those with crazy hair-dos like the Polish breed! They aren't the best layers, but they entertain and delight the flock with their unique appearance!

No matter which breed of chicken you choose to raise, you are guaranteed baskets full of fresh eggs and hours of entertainment watching your little flock grow older and wiser.


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