Buff Orpington Portrait

Buff Orpington Portrait

August 15, 2021

(My Buff Orpington portrait of Eliza! I bet she thinks I can never catch all of her beauty in a painting. :)

This summer, I took an acrylic painting intensive for 5 weeks. For the first 4 weeks, the teacher would do already-chosen paintings with me. On the last day, I could choose what I wanted to paint, and so I chose to paint a Buff Orpington portrait! I had so much fun with this cool painting, and so I decided I would share this how-to with y'all:

  1. Get your supplies together! You'll need- A canvas, pencil, container of water, paper towel, various sizes of paintbrushes, various yellow acrylic paints, red acrylic paint, & black acrylic paint.
  2. Do a sketch transfer of your chosen Buff Orpington. (For those who don't know what that is, then here is a quick tutorial- Simply print out a photo of a Buff Orpington, then turn over the paper and use a pencil to smudge the back in graphite. Next, place the paper face up on your canvas, and trace out the details of the photo. (Be careful not to move the paper around. If needed, tape it down onto your canvas.) Finally, remove the paper, and you should see a sketch transfer of your Buff Orpington photo!
  3. Paint the eye. The pupil should be painted black, the sclera (part around the pupil) should be painted light yellow.
  4. Paint the comb, face, earlobe and wattle. These should all be painted red. 
  5. Paint the feathers. This is one of the most trickiest parts of the portrait. As you may be able to tell, the light in the painting is coming from the top, so using your various yellows, blend your acrylics so that light yellow mixes into dark yellow as you keep painting further down the head.
  6. Paint the beak. A Buff's beak is usually a light pink color. Blend the light yellow into the light pink as you paint the beak.
  7. Sign your name, give yourself a pat on the back, and hang up your canvas! You just painted a Buff Orpington portrait!!!

I had an awesome time doing this project, and I hope you will too. I encourage you to try this fun painting! Painting is a relaxing, enjoyable activity, and when you combine painting and chickens, you're sure to experience some memorable pastimes!


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