A Rainbow Of Colors
A Rainbow Of Colors
September 5, 2021
(A rainbow of eggs from my flock!)
Wait WHAT?!?!?! Chickens can lay BLUE EGGS???
It's true.
Common chicken eggs come in all shades of blue, green, pink, brown, cream and chocolate brown. Although all eggs start out with white shells, the dye applied to the shells of some breeds results in eggs that come in almost all the hues of the rainbow. And even brown eggs come in a wide variety of shades when they come from different breeds of chickens!
Brown Egg Layers
- Barred Rock
- Brahma
- Buckeye
- Chantecler
- Cochin
- Delaware
- Dominique
- Java
- Jersey Giant
- Golden Comet/Production Red/Red Star
- New Hampshire Red
- Plymouth Rock
- Rhode Island Red
Tan Egg Layers
- Buff Orpington
- Lavender Orpington
- Red Laced/Silver Laced Wyandotte
- Speckled Sussex
White Egg Layers
- Andalusian
- Belgian D'Uccle
- Campine
- Catalana
- Hamburg
- Lakenvelder
- Leghorn
- Minorca
- Polish
- Russian Orloff
- Sabelpoot
- Sebright
- Sicilian Buttercup
- Silkie
- White Faced Black Spanish
Cream Egg Layers
- Dorking
- Easter Egger (some)
- Faverolle
Pink Egg Layers
- Asil
- Australorps
- Easter Egger (some)
- Langshan
- Light Sussex
- Plymouth Rock
Chocolate Brown Layers
- Barnvelder
- Black/Blue French Copper Marans
- Penedesenca
Speckled Egg Layers
- Cuckoo Marans
- Welsummer
Green Egg Layers
- Easter Egger (some)
- Ice Cream Bar
- Isbar
- Olive Eggers
Blue Egg Layers
- Ameraucana
- Araucana
- Cream Legbar
- Easter Egger (some)
Purple Egg Layers
- White Croad Langshan
Note: If you want a surprise first egg, then add a few Easter Eggers to your flock. They can lay shades of pink, blue, green, and cream, hence the name Easter Egger. An Easter Egger will only lay one color egg her entire life, but each could lay a different color egg for you. Truly a mystery until she lays her first egg!
So when you're choosing your next breeds of chickens to add to the flock, why not add a little color to your egg basket?
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