Top 20 Heat-Hardy Chicken Breeds
Top 20 Heat-Hardy Chicken Breeds
September 26, 2021
(The flock free ranging in the heat of the day!)
Chickens are more likely to suffer heat exhaustion in the summer than freezing in the cold, so if you live in a warm climate, choosing breeds of chickens that are heat-hardy is a good idea. If you live in a place that experiences both extremes - cold winters as well as humid summers - you should still consider the heat-hardy breeds, since nearly all chickens are cold-hardy to an extent. Certain breeds, such as those with smaller body masses and larger combs (the comb on a chicken acts as as "air conditioning" and helps to eliminate heat from the body) fare better in the heat than those breeds with larger body masses and smaller combs.
Fun fact: Interestingly, most of the white egg-laying chickens are heat-hardy breeds!
My top 20 heat-hardy breeds include:
- Appenzeller Spitzhauben
- Barred Rock Bantam
- Black Faced White Spanish
- Black Sumatra
- Blue Andalusian
- Blue Hamburg
- Buff Orpington
- Easter Egger
- Egyptian Fayoumi
- Exchequer Leghorn
- Golden Campine
- Golden Lakenvelder
- Leghorn
- Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam
- Penedesenca
- Sicilian Buttercup
- Silkie
- Silver Lakenvelder
- Silver Spangled Hamburg
- Welsummer
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