Annual Hug A Chicken Day 2021!!!

Annual Hug A Chicken Day 2021!!!

November 7, 2021

(A collage of me and my fam hugging our chickens!)

So easily overlooked by many, it seems fitting to draw attention to these amazing animals.  Chickens not only deliver fresh delicious eggs to our door, but they also make fantastic pets.  They are capable of emotions and bring much joy to my family on so many levels.

During the entire day on November 5th, Hug a Chicken Day,  people across the globe will be hugging their chickens and posting their pictures to this event.  On this day, please take the time to honor your chickens for all that they provide to your family and the world.  I hope to be joined by fellow chicken keepers in saying thank you. Last, but not least, mark your calendars. Maybe this one might just set some sort of world record.

Did you remember to hug one of your chickens today? How different would our lives be without them?  I am grateful for their eggs, their companionship, entertainment, lessons in life, the responsibilities they have taught me, their little noises and their love for life!

I'm so happy that someone decided to set aside a special day for this. Please join in sharing this special day to celebrate your love for chickens! I would love to see pictures of y'all hugging your chickens!!! (Feel free to comment down below!)

Check out this link to Annual Hug A Chicken Day on Backyard Chickens. Feel free to comment and post pictures on here too!

Happy Annual Hug A Chicken Day!!!


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