Join Me In The Fight To Legalize Roosters!
Join Me In The Fight To Legalize Roosters!
January 9, 2022
Hundreds of cities across the U.S. have permitted urban chicken keeping. People have a desire for urban chickens for a number of reasons, including companionship, teaching children about agriculture, and the ability to raise one’s own food (one hen provides on average 3-4 eggs per week). After setting up the coop and the initial learning curve, urban chicken farmers say a small flock can be as easy to raise as a dog.
The regulations regarding roosters were unclear in 14 cities and in 7 cities the keeping of roosters was not permitted. Of the remaining 4 in which the keeping of roosters was permitted, 1 city allowed roosters if kept a certain distance from neighbors residences, 1 allowed roosters only under 4 months of age, 1 allowed a single rooster per household, and 1 placed no restrictions.
Many cities choose to not allow the keeping of roosters, as neighbors often complain about the crowing which can occur at any hour of the day. Since one of the main reasons people choose to keep chickens is for the eggs, which roosters do not provide, it is generally accepted to only allow hens, and the unwanted roosters are sent to be slaughtered for meat. (In fact, 80% of the chicken meat you eat is male poultry.)
However, in this case, you can keep your rooster if your neighbors do not mind the crowing. This does allow people to have more choice.
In addition, roosters should be allowed for protection of the flock, fertilizing of eggs for more poultry, and keeping peace in the pecking order.
Please join me in this fight to legalize roosters and save a rooster's life from death in a factory by signing this petition:
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